Robust Coarse Curved TetMesh Generation
Zhongshi Jiang, Ziyi Zhang, Yixin Hu, Teseo Schneider, Denis Zorin, Daniele Panozzo. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2021)
🎊 We provide generated high order tetrahedral meshes and their surface for futher research and developement.
Our system is developed in a Linux 🐧 environment, with GCC-9 and Clang-12, and is tested on macOS 🍏 and Windows. Please refer to cmake.yml for a more detailed setup.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
make -j4
Basic input is the triangle mesh, in the format of .obj/.off/.ply/.stl
Optional input is and HDF5 file, encoding feature tagging and constraint points, in the format of .h5
is feature edges. Matrix of |E|x2
, with each row indicating the endpoints (v0,v1
) of the marked edge.V
is the additional feature corners (the junction of several features). Corners can be automatically infered if there are three or more features meet. Therefore, V
is only supplied when there is a corner with two feature lines meet. Vector of |V|
with vertex indices.P_fid
and P_bc
for the constraint points where the distance bound is imposed upon. Vector of |P|
for the list of faces where the points are, and Matrix of |P|x3
for their corresponding barycentric coordinates on each points.Our output file is in HDF5 format .h5
, with the following fields
as |l|x3
matrix of volume Lagrange control points for the volume.cells
as |t|x|n|
as the matrix of connectivity.Additionally, the following fields are useful in other cases.
for the surface B'ezeir control points. Array of |F| x |n| x 3
stores (in duplicates) the control points for each face.mV
, mF
encode the internal shell structure.Our internal ordering of the node (inside each high order element) is generated recursively (tuple_gen).
Conversion convention to GMSH (triangle6
, triangle10
, triangle15
, tetra35
) is manually coded in the same file. Further conversion is still on the way and PRs are welcome.
./cumin_bin -i INPUT_MESH -o OUTPUT_FOLDER/
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
input mesh name
-g,--graph TEXT feature graph and constraint point file .h5
-o,--output TEXT=./ output dir to save the serialization .h5 file
-l,--logdir TEXT log dir
--curve-distance_threshold FLOAT distance bound for the sampled point. Default on all the vertices, can be specified for the feature h5.
--curve-order INT the order of the surface mesh. Tetrahedral mesh will be of order +1
--feature-dihedral_threshold FLOAT automatic detecting feature based on dihedral angle.
--shell-target_edge_length FLOAT target edge length, only as a heuritic upper bound.
folder contains several scripts to visualize or convert our serialization file.
After compilation, you can launch (from the build/
wget # get the bunny mesh
./cumin_bin -i -o ./
To obtain
in the current directory.
We provide a simple script to convert from our format to be compatible with gmsh visualizer for a visualization similar to Fig.4 in our paper.
Requiring python packages pip install meshio h5py numpy
python ../python/ bunny.msh
The source code in this repository is released under MIT License. However, be aware that several dependencies (notably, CGAL with GPLv3) have differing licenses.